RA-I MTG Satellite Imagery Interpretation Course 2025

The online course on MTG Satellite Imagery Interpretation will take place 17 March-4 April 2025. It is offered in English language, by the ASMET instructors from IMTR Kenya, SAWS South Africa and EUMETSAT. This course helps you to improve skills in using MTG satellite imagery for identifying various weather and surface features in Africa. The course is suitable for all forecasters in Africa, both early career operational forecasters and more experienced meteorologists.
The course will consist of live sessions with discussions and weather briefings, with the focus on interpretation of MTG satellite images. As a participant, you will develop professional relationships with other course participants, get connected to satellite professionals ready to help you to understand the new satellite capabilities, and to become a proficient user of the latest satellite products in your daily work. A successful completion of this course will make you better prepared for advanced level online and residence courses offered by the African training centres and EUMETSAT.
Applications are open till 10 March 2025. Please apply for the online course by completing the online application form.
Contact: training@eumetsat.int