Using ASCAT Wind and Other Data in Marine Forecasting

This case study lesson demonstrates the use of scatterometer wind and, to a lesser extent, altimeter significant wave height products in marine forecasting. A brief introduction to cold fronts and their impact on weather and sea state conditions sets the stage for the main part of the lesson, the case study. The case follows the passage of a cold front over the South Atlantic Ocean on 23 and 24 November 2013 when the Polarstern research vessel was transiting the area. Learners use ASCAT wind and Jason significant wave height data to help determine current conditions and evaluate GFS and WAVEWATCH III analyses and forecasts. The lesson is intended for operational marine forecasters, meteorologists, and meteorological technicians at coastal stations, as well as meteorology students. Note that the lesson has been developed with funding from EUMETSAT for the ASMET project.
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