Two satellite courses for African forecasters delivered by IMTR

The Institute of Meteorological Training and Research in Nairobi, Kenya, recently organised two in-person training courses for African forecasters. Over the course of two weeks more than 40 participants improved their understanding & skills in using satellites in forecasting and nowcasting.
The first course on Satellite Applications was delivered 26 February–1 March 2024 and gathered more than 20 forecasters from 15 African countries. This year’s edition marked the 18th classroom course delivered in partnership with EUMETSAT and represents one of the longest meteorological training interventions in Africa. The course is part of a blended training initiative delivered on a yearly basis.
The second course was the WMO Nowcasting Training Course. It took place 4-8 March and it was designed and developed by IMTR training experts supported by funding from World Meteorological Organisation. Over 20 participants got together to learn on nowcasting – forecasting in 0-6 hour time scale – through discussions and simulator exercises. They also had the opportunity to explore various Nowcasting products offered by the NWC SAF.
What is coming next?
The case studies produced by participated during the trainings will be published on this website on a weekly basis. Newly developed simulator exercises that you may use in your training are also on the list of future resources we plan to make available for you here. Stay tuned!